29. julij 2024 po
Jure Lampe

“The classic tale of the hare and the tortoise, reimagined for the digital age.”

In the realm of IoT development, the PHArA-ON (H2020 EU project) 2nd Open Call presents a vivid illustration of SandBox transformative impact.

Picture the classic tale of the hare and the tortoise, reimagined for the digital age: In this version, the “hare” represents the conventional, slow-to-start process of setting up IoT environments—months spent just to begin data collection. Enter the “tortoise,” empowered by SandBox Private Cloud. Despite its reputation for slowness, our tortoise starts at the 80-meter mark in a 100-meter sprint, thanks to SandBoxOS. This head start enables the collection, processing, and integration of data from various sensors into a cohesive system, connecting effortlessly to MQTT servers, Orion Context Broker, and FIWARE, with all data funneling into the PHArA-ON Hub. The SandBox environment was set up in just a matter of minutes for every partner, showcasing its rapid deployment capability. This swift setup process starkly contrasts the prolonged preparation usually expected, dramatically accelerating the project’s kick-off.

What would traditionally take months to initiate, SandBox achieves in minutes, demonstrating that with the right technology, even the slowest tortoise can outpace the swiftest hare in the race to IoT innovation.

In the fast-paced world of IoT innovation, bridging the gap between research and real-world application is crucial. SandBox addresses this challenge by enabling teams to start prototyping as soon as possible, thereby avoiding the common pitfall of research-heavy projects running out of time before practical implementation begins. With a focus on agility in development and a suite of tools designed for early-stage development and testing, SandBox supports a wide range of IoT applications, from Industry, Smart Cities to eHealth. This approach not only keeps projects on schedule but also enhances the relevance and impact of research outputs, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in IoT development.

This use-case will be shown at the FoMI 2024 conference in Portoroz, Slovenia.

Jure Lampe 29. julij 2024
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